Lady Mary Boleyn
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The Sixteenth of August in the Year of Our Lord, Fifteen Twenty - Mid morrow

My Dearest Friend and Confidant

Preparations for this autumn�s progress hath been coming about swimmingly! Her Highness, Mary Rose Tudor, hath directed us in a short but entertaining piece for inclusion in the grand Masque of the Conquistadors to be performed for Their Majesties and the King and Queen of Spain. It seemeth we be�.. well, I be nay at liberty to disclose as it shall be a surprise for those who have nay seen it. Our other plans are also shaping up nicely. The Mary Boleyn School of Charms and Graces for Young Maidens, Washer Woman and the Occasional Charity Case this session shall showcase the same dances as always, but with more flair. It be my understanding that we shall parade to the meadow in such a fashion as to attract attention to those about and entice them to view our demonstration thereon. Our resident Dance Diva hath been most kind at instructing us in the ways of the dance.

And as I do speak of the dance, we hath been in instruction for two of her own creation, La Mariposa and The Glories of Spain, to honor King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. Some be afeared, however, that with the Latin rhythms many a stately lord and lady mayest succumb to its hypnotic effect and lose their composure and degenerate into a dance of a more forbidden nature. Of course it vexeth ME none!

Oh!! My Dearest Lord Paget hath written to me that my life hath been most interesting that he wisheth to produce a pageant of a biographical nature! He be the sweetest most creative man I hath ever had the pleasure of knowing, and I do mean �know� in the platonic sense of the word. My dalliances with His Majesty Francois I are to be featured as I understandeth it. I chuckle at the prospect of this newest project. I were fortunate enough to have been involved with another of My Lord�s project just two short years hence in which he didst bring to the forefront the ever growing problem of vampires in Scotland. It were a hideous revelation, but one which were necessary to disseminate amongst the masses for fear that any one of us couldst fall prey to these most horrid of creatures. I say, he be in position to take up a new cause upon his retirement from government, that of Vampire Hunter!!

My newest French hood be near completion and it be gorgeous if I may sayeth mine own self. Completely hand stitched by yours truly, it doth possess charm and simplicity in its design and presentation. The deepest of garnet colored velvet adorn the visible surface, and underneath, the gold and black brocade which will be mine underskirt on my newest dress currently in the making by the kingdom�s finest of seamstresses, the Lady Nina of Burks. I didst choose a fine gold filigree trim to encircle the entire hood and hath accented the indentions therein with garnet and golden beading that shall pick up the sunlight and disperse it in shimmer. At present, a veil is being prepared for attachment on the back then it shall be ready. I dare say it shall be the envy of those wearing the hood in the traditional French style. Nan of course, wanting ever so much to be the consummate actress and center of attention, shall be wearing a gabled hood to achieve that end. Although I do be of the above mentioned mindset, I must admit that it be one of the most gorgeous creations seen by mine eyes in quite a while, but nay must she ever learn of mine appreciation for her handiwork.

It seemeth that I hath rambled on and on for some time and my fingers grow weary. I shall bid the anon and peruse thy pages yet another day.

Cheers to thee!


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